Performance badges are a fun thing. You know They are just a simple little visual flair they don’t even Do something, and yet for some reason you just have to gather them. Gamification can be a great motivator, and Performance Badges for activity tracking on Apple Watch have inspired many users to get more training.
If you want to maximize your badge number, you will want to hunt as many activity results as you can. Most are available all year round, but there are also some time -limited special events to get hold of. Here is a list of all activity results for Apple Watch and how to unlock them.
Updated February 4, 2025: The next limited activity emblem you can get is on February 14, Valentine’s Day, to celebrate Heart Month.
Standard results
Most of the results can be achieved all year round. If you open Activity App on your iPhone, then go over to Achievements Losses you will see some of those listed before you earn them (in which case they will be represented by a gray contour).
However, there are some results that do not appear until you earn them. For example, past and future monthly challenges do not emerge, nor will all the different individual training programs.
Here is a list of all the standard baths you can get.
First [exercise] Training
The first time you perform a new exercise for at least 5 minutes, you get a performance emblem. Each type of exercise that does not fall into the “other” category is eligible for this badge: From going to yoga to hiit to hiking and more.
Activities with both indoor and outdoor variants, such as cycling and walking, are gathered together; You can perform either activity to get badged and can only get it once.
[exercise] Training record
Every time you hit your previous best record for calories burned in any of the exercises listed above, you get this badge.
There is a warning: You must first complete five workouts of that type. If you want to play the system, make sure your first four workouts of each type are short and lightweight, so it doesn’t take much to beat them.
You get a badge the first time you make each larger exercise type and when you break a record.
7-workout week
Simply fill in any workout in at least 15 minutes each day of the week. Note that the week is Monday-Sunday and that you have to train on each of these days (you can’t just do seven days in a row). If you start a walking training when you go outside, you can reach this easily.
New moving record
Any day when your moving ring goes further than ever before (which means you burned more calories in one day) you earn this price. There is a catch: You need to use your Apple Watch for 10 days before you can complete this.
New training record
This is like Move Record Achievement, only for the green ring. This one is based on minutes of exercise, not burned calories, so it’s really easy to get. Like Prote Record Achievement, use your Apple Watch for 10 days first.
Move target 200%, 300%, 400%
You earn this when you exceed your caloric dimensions (the red movement ring) with 2x, 3x or 4x respectively. In other words, it is given to make the red activity ring go about two, three or four times a day. It’s easy to get if you just set your movement goal very low.

Double, triple and quadrupled your Move Ring goal. Reduce your target if you have problems.
New motion goal
Each time you change your daily movement goal and then exceed the new goal, you get this performance. You can change your movement goal by opening the activity app on your Apple Watch and power press on the screen.
Longest pull strip
When you hit your movement target (close the red ring) several days in a row, it’s a “strip.” You get this price when your line finally ends if it’s longer than your previous best stripe.
Perfect week
This is distributed in four categories: Moving, training, standing and all activity. For the first three, simply close rings (red, green or blue) every day of the week. To get the perfect week (all activity) badge, close All three rings Every day for a whole week. You can earn this several times, even if it only shows a badge.
Remember that a week in the activity app is from Monday-Sunday!

Close these rings every day from Monday to Sunday to earn a handful of badges.
Perfect month
Unlike perfect week, there are no different perfect months of badges for the different color rings. The lonely perfect monthly performance is to close Red Move Ring every day of the month.
However, there is a separate perfect monthly badge for each month and every year. So you can earn this in February and again in March and again in February of the next year.
Monthly challenge
Each month has its own unique fitness challenge. If you have reviews set to the activity app on our Apple Watch, you will see the goal presented at the beginning of the month, but you will also see the current month’s challenge in the Priests tab of the Activity app on your iPhone. It will be a gray contour before it is completed, but you can press it to see what the challenge entails.
The monthly challenge can assign you to burn a specific number of calories, prepare a number of times or raise a certain distance. There is nothing to tell what every new month will entail, you just have to look!

There is another challenge every month, so check your activity app.
100, 365, 500, 1,000 movement target
When you hit your daily movement goal (close the red ring) 100 times, you get a performance emblem. You get another to hit it 365 times, 500 times and 1,000 times. These do not have to be in a row; It’s just the total number of times you’ve ever hit the target.

Close the move often to unlock a number of badges. Set the MOVE target low if you want to make it easier.
Limited results
Apple offers several disposable challenges per year that are only available for a limited period of time. Often they are only for a day or a weekend. Some are limited to the United States because they are based on US holidays.
You get a review on your Apple Watch when one of them comes up (make sure you have messages enabled to the activity app using the Watch app on your iPhone).
HEART MONTH CHALLENGE (February 14, 2025)

Show your heart some love! Close your training ring this Valentine’s Day, February 14, to earn this award.
New Year’s 2025 -challenge (January 2025)

Let’s start 2025 from the right. Earn this price by closing all three rings for seven days in a row in January.
Mental Health Day Challenge (October 10)

Let’s bring attention to all the ways we can look after our mental health. On October 10, 10 will record minutes with any app that adds health to get this price.
National Parks Challenge (August 25)

In the United States, National Park’s service was founded on August 25, 1916. Apple has a National Park’s Challenge around that time each year to celebrate national parks around the world.
To get this badge, just register a training of 20 minutes or more on August 25 with any app that adds training to the health app.
Global Running Day (June 5)

Hit the road, trail, track or tread to the global race day! Record a running training and go at least 5 km on June 5 to earn this special badge.
World Meditation Day (21 May)

To complete this new challenge, register five or more attentive minutes using the Mindfulness app or any app that adds mindful minutes to the health app on May 21, 2024.
Earth Day (April 22)

Let’s get in motion for the planet. On April 22, work out for 30 minutes or more to earn this award. Record it with the training app or any app that adds health.
Heart Month (February 14)

This Valentine’s Day, it’s about heart. Close your exercise ring on February 14 to get this price.
Veteran’s Day (November 11)

Earn this special price on November 11 by training for 11 minutes or more. Record your time with the workout app or any app that adds training to health.