Ancient Grain Sourdough Tellegio and Bosc Pear Pizza from scratch

Ancient Grain Sourdough Tellegio and Bosc Pear Pizza from scratch

For the starter (allow 5-7 days for an active starter)

Tellegio and Bosc Pear Pizza APPETIZER

  • 100 g of water
  • 100 g baking flour (50 g white baking flour, 50 g rye flour)
  1. Mix flour and water in a bowl and cover with cheesecloth, a paper towel to avoid crust. This mixture will have the consistency of thick pancake batter.
  2. Watch for 2-3 days while the yeast begins to feed.
  3. Bubbles and a slight “lift” will occur. When this happens, it’s time to start feeding.
  4. Discard 50g of the starter and put it in a new bowl, then add 100g of water and 100g of flour and mix again for the remaining 50g of starter. Stir again and cover at room temperature.
  5. Continue feeding the starter (using the above recipe) at the same time each day after a few days. The smell will change from sour to sweet like yogurt. In a few days to a week, the rise and fall will be predictable.
  6. A few days before baking, start feeding the starter twice a day to increase fermentation. Now it’s time to make the sourdough that raises the final mixed dough.


For sourdough

Tellegio and Bosc Pear Pizza SOUR

  • 1 tablespoon (about 25 grams) ripe starter (above)
  • 100 g rye flour
  • 100 g baking flour
  • 200 g warm water
  1. Mix with a spoon and leave covered for 4-6 hours at room temperature.
  2. Test sourdough by placing a small blob in a bowl of room temperature water. If it flows, it is ready for the final mix. If the sourdough sinks, it needs more time to mature. If it still doesn’t flow or look clear, start over or feed again with the mature starter and use a little more, possibly 2 tbsp.
  3. This sourdough will be your permanent starter if you wish. If you keep this sourdough in the fridge, add more dry flour to it to make a firm paste. This will prevent the acid from building up. To refresh, follow the sourdough food plan for a few days.


For the fermentation

Tellegio and Bosc Pear Pizza FERMENTATION

  • 800 g room temperature water
  • 160 G Sourdough
  • 60 G Wheat germ
  • 450 g bread flour
  • 225 G Bordeaux Red
  • 225 G Einkorn
  • 22.5 G fine sea salt
  1. Bulk Fermentation Mix: Pour all the water into a large Pyrex or metal bowl with the sourdough and mix by hand to break up the sourdough. Pour the flour mixture and wheat germ into the bowl and mix well with a spoon.
  2. Allow this to autolyse for 4 hours covered at room temperature. It will increase noticeably, but not double.
  3. Final mixture: Add the salt after 4 hours while kneading the dough with wet fingers and folding the dough in on itself. Turn the bowl around after each fold and make sure not to “degas” the dough – (you want the gases that have already built up flavor.) Fold and press down approx. 20 times to get a tight gluten structure and distribute the salt.
  4. Cover and leave at room temperature for 3 hours to rise again.
  5. After 3 hours, cover with plastic wrap and place in the fridge at 34 degrees overnight or refrigerate for up to 10 hours.
  6. Cutting and Shaping: (Note: If this was for a loaf, this would be another folding stage, but because it is pizza dough, it will be folded and shaped into four dough balls.)
  7. Take the bowl out of the fridge in the morning. Now you should see the dough rise considerably and the dough press against the plastic wrap.
  8. Store covered at room temperature for 1 hour.
  9. After the hour, lightly flour the counter with Rouge de Bordeaux and turn the bowl on its side with a plastic scraper and carefully pour the dough onto the floured table.
  10. Carefully cut the dough into quarters and weigh each quarter to 450 grams. You might just have a little left over.
  11. With floured hands, gently fold and knead each ball of dough by pressing your fingers underneath while pulling the gluten mesh on top. Each ball of dough must have a tight top with no cracks in the gluten. If the dough is too sticky, dip it in flour and keep your hands floured. Gentle dry touch is key.
  12. Grease a large tray with extra virgin olive oil and transfer all four balls to it. Lightly grease the top of the balls and cover with plastic wrap. Leave at room temperature for 1-2 hours. You will see growth begin again.
  13. Preheat the oven to 550 degrees.


For Taleggio and Bosc Pear Pizza

Ancient Grain Sourdough Tellegio and Bosc Pear Pizza from scratch


Type of recipe: pizza

  • An old corn dough ball (from the above recipe)
  • 150-175 G Taleggio cheese
  • 2 Bosc bulbs
  • 2 tablespoons chopped hazelnuts
  • (Optional – balsamic glaze or maple syrup)
  1. Carefully place the ball of dough on a table covered with any whole grain dust. (White flour will turn the cornicion gray.) Carefully form a 12-13 inch pizza round by pressing your fingers into the center first and then using a bowl with the outside of your hand to form the rounded crust.
  2. Make sure the crust is coated with flour so it doesn’t stick to a pizza peel.
  3. Flour a pizza peel and transfer to the floured peel. Test to see if the pizza slides. (Option #1l: You can place the pizza round on a pizza screen, but if the dough is too wet, it will stick to the wire mesh. Option #2, Place the pizza round on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.)
  4. Break the Taleggio cheese into cubes and place them across the pizza round.
  5. Using a Benriner Japanese mandolin, slice the bosc pears onto the pizza and place the slices on top of the cheese without showing the cheese.
  6. Place the pizza in the 550F deck oven for 8-10 minutes until the crust is golden brown.
  7. Remove from the oven and top with the chopped hazelnuts and optional balsamic glaze.


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